Internship and Residency




Scope note(s)

  • Programs of EDUCATION, MEDICAL, GRADUATE training to meet the requirements established by accrediting authorities.

Source note(s)

  • Medical Subject Headings

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Internship and Residency

Equivalent terms

Internship and Residency

  • UF Dental Internship
  • UF Dental Internships
  • UF Internships, dental
  • UF Internship, dental
  • UF Dental Residencies
  • UF Dental Residency
  • UF House Staff
  • UF Internship
  • UF Internship, Medical
  • UF Medical Residencies
  • UF Medical Residency
  • UF Residencies, Dental
  • UF Residencies, Medical
  • UF Residency
  • UF Residency and internship
  • UF Residency, Dental
  • UF Residency, Medical

Associated terms

Internship and Residency

16 Archival description results for Internship and Residency

16 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

John D. Davidson Oral History

  • FC124
  • Collection

Davidson discusses his experiences as a medical student at Washington University School of Medicine, his internship at St. Louis City Hospital, and his fellowship in Cardiology at the National Heart Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, which involved the study of hypertension. Davidson discusses research at St. Luke’s Hospital on treatments to decrease the amount of heart damage after a heart attack. Davidson also discusses changes in medical education from the late 1940s/early 1950s to the mid-1970s, and medical malpractice insurance and Medicaid problems facing physicians in the 1970s.

Davidson, John D.

Robert C. Drews, Miles C. Whitener, and August W. Geise Oral History

  • FC125
  • Collection
  • May 8, 1980

Drews, Whitener and Geise reflect back on their experiences as students at the Washington University School of Medicine in the 1950s and the value of rotating rather than specialized internships. The three physicians discuss some of the memorable faculty members, such as Mildred Trotter, Carl Moyer, Oliver Lowry, and Carl Moore. They also discuss technological and pharmacological changes over the years that have affected the practice of medicine.

Drews, Robert C.

Gerald T. Perkoff Oral History

  • FC127
  • Collection

Perkoff describes his accelerated educational experience at Washington University during World War II and his decision to accept an internship at the University of Utah. He discusses his early research in metabolic and hereditary diseases at the University of Utah, where he was on the faculty and chief of the medical service of the Veterans Administration Hospital. Perkoff relates his returning to St. Louis, his efforts at St. Louis City Hospital to establish a full-time Department of Medicine, and the founding of the Division of Health Care Research at the Washington University School of Medicine. There is an extended discussion of the establishment of a health maintenance organization at Washington University, the Medical Care Group, its structure, financial structure and goals, and its role in training physicians. Perkoff also discusses the delivery of health care in rural settings, his predictions for the development of allied health personnel programs, and the future of medical care delivery.

Perkoff, Gerald T.

Frances Stewart Oral History

  • FC131
  • Collection
  • 1977

Stewart briefly discusses her experiences in medical school at the Washington University School of Medicine, her remembrances of professor Ernest Sachs, and her internship at St. Louis Maternity Hospital. Stewart recounts the beginning of the first contraceptive clinic in St. Louis, the Maternal Health Association of Missouri (later Planned Parenthood of St. Louis), and some of its founders, Frederick J. Taussig, Robert J. Crossen, and Helen Buss. She also recalls her work at the clinic and its development over the years. The interview concluded with a discussion about problems with medical malpractice insurance and the rising cost of medical care.

Stewart, Frances H.

Gerald T. Perkoff Oral History

  • OH013
  • Collection
  • 1/8/1974

Perkoff describes his accelerated educational experience at Washington University during World War II and his decision to accept an internship at the University of Utah. He discusses his early research in metabolic and hereditary diseases at the University of Utah, where he was on the faculty and chief of the medical service of the Veterans Administration Hospital. Perkoff relates his returning to St. Louis, his efforts at St. Louis City Hospital to establish a full-time Department of Medicine, and the founding of the Division of Health Care Research at the Washington University School of Medicine. There is an extended discussion of the establishment of a health maintenance organization at Washington University, the Medical Care Group, its structure, financial structure and goals, and its role in training physicians. Perkoff also discusses the delivery of health care in rural settings, his predictions for the development of allied health personnel programs, and the future of medical care delivery. Interviewed by Estelle Brodman on January 8, 1974. OH013. Approximate Length 85 minutes.

Perkoff, Gerald T.

Eugene J. Bribach Oral History

  • OH019
  • Collection
  • 10/8/1975

Bribach discusses his experiences in medical school and his later studies in medicine in Germany. He also comments on some of his instructors, such as Robert J. Terry; classmates, such as Sherwood Moore; and his medical internship at St. Louis City Hospital. Interviewed by Darryl Podoll on October 8, 1975. OH019. Approximate Length 90 minutes.

Bribach, Eugene J.

John D. Davidson Oral History

  • OH032
  • Collection
  • 5/13/1977

Davidson discusses his experiences as a medical student at Washington University School of Medicine, his internship at St. Louis City Hospital, and his fellowship in Cardiology at the National Heart Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, which involved the study of hypertension. Davidson discusses research at St. Luke’s Hospital on treatments to decrease the amount of heart damage after a heart attack. Davidson also discusses changes in medical education from the late 1940s/early 1950s to the mid-1970s, and medical malpractice insurance and Medicaid problems facing physicians in the 1970s. Interviewed by William R. Massa on May 13, 1977. OH032. Approximate Length 62 minutes.

Davidson, John D.

Robert C. Drews, Miles C. Whitener, and August W. Geise Oral History

  • OH043
  • Collection
  • 5/8/1980

Drews, Whitener and Geise reflect back on their experiences as students at the Washington University School of Medicine in the 1950s and the value of rotating rather than specialized internships. The three physicians discuss some of the memorable faculty members, such as Mildred Trotter, Carl Moyer, Oliver Lowry, and Carl Moore. They also discuss technological and pharmacological changes over the years that have affected the practice of medicine. Interviewed by Paul G. Anderson on May 8, 1980. OH043. Approximate length 63 minutes.

Drews, Robert C.

Andrew B. Jones Oral History

  • OH046
  • Collection
  • October 10, 1980

In his oral history interview, Jones discusses some of his experiences as a medical officer during World War I. He also recalls some of the changes he witnessed over the years in the field of neurology and at the Washington University School of Medicine. Jones recalls some of his colleagues, such as Vilray P. Blair, George Dock, Ernest Sachs, and Sidney Schwab.

Interviewed by Paul Anderson in 1980. Approximate Length: 53 minutes. Grace Jones (Mrs. Andrew B. Jones) was also present and spoke during the interview.

Jones, Andrew B.

Richard W. Hudgens Oral History

  • OH049
  • Collection
  • 4/28/1981

Hudgens relates some of his experiences as a student at WUSM in the 1950s and some of his influential professors, such as Edward Dempsey, Carl Moore, George Saslow, and Sam Guze. Hudgens also discusses the development of his interest in psychiatry, his medical residencies in Virginia and North Carolina, his experiences as a staff psychiatrist at the U.S. Air Force Hospital at Lackland AFB in Texas, and his experiences on the faculty and in the administration of the Washington University School of Medicine. Interviewed by Paul G. Anderson on April 28, 1981. OH049. Approximate Length 59 minutes.

Hudgens, Richard W.

Jerome E. Cook Oral History

  • OH063
  • Collection
  • 4/8/1961

Cook talks about Dr. Jesse S. Myer, gastroenterologist and biographer of William Beaumont. Cook also relates some of his experiences as a medical student in the early years of the 20th century and as an intern at St. Louis City Hospital. He describes the practice of medicine at that time and the prevalence and treatment of diseases such as typhoid fever, malaria, and syphilis.

There are several long pauses in the audio recording. Interviewed on April 8, 1961. OH063. Approximate Length 41 minutes.

Cook, Jerome E.

John C. Herweg Oral History (OH079)

  • OH079
  • Collection
  • March 2005

The interviewer asked John Herweg to discuss his experiences at St. Louis Children's Hospital during the Alexis Hartmann era, 1936-early 1960s. As a medical student at Washington University in 1942-1945. He mentions his first wife, Janet Scovill, who had finished her pediatric residency at Children's before him. Janet died in 1958. He also speaks of his present wife Dottie Glahn, who was head nurse of the infant ward at St. Louis Children's Hospital from 1947-1959. The interviewer asked him his recollections of Mrs. Langenberg, Gracie Jones and other women on women on the Board of Children's hospital. He also briefly discussed interactions with Estelle Claiborne, the hospital administrator. He recalls that World War II's major effect on St. Louis Children's Hospital was reduction of the number of house officers. The residents who were in charge of the hospital during the nighttime hours were consequently overworked. Concerning the Butler Ward, the segregated ward for African-Americans, he admits the house officers might have integrated Children's Hospital earlier. He thought integration came about when Dave Golden called up Hartmann later and said he wanted to put an African American patient on a ward by treatment needed rather than in the Butler ward. Hartmann agreed and Herwig thought that was the beginning of integration of St. Louis Children's Hospital.

Herweg, John C.

Lawrence W. O'Neal Oral History

  • OH124
  • Collection
  • December 14, 2006

O'Neal shares his memories of medical school and instructors such as Evarts A. Graham; internship and residency at Barnes Hospital; and his career as a surgeon.

Transcription in progress. Interviewed by Paul Anderson in 2006. Approximate Length: 2 hours and 18 minutes.

O'Neal, Lawrence W.

Eugene J. Bribach Oral History

  • PC074
  • Collection
  • 1975-10-08

See oral history number OH019.

Bribach discusses his experiences in medical school and his later studies in medicine in Germany. He also comments on some of his instructors, such as Robert J. Terry; classmates, such as Sherwood Moore; and his medical internship at St. Louis City Hospital. Interviewed by Darryl Podoll on October 8, 1975. OH019. Approximate Length 90 minutes.

Bribach, Eugene J.

Barnes Hospital Medical House Staff Photographs

  • VC313
  • Collection
  • 1963-1987

This collection consists of 30 composite portraits of Barnes Hospital staff, 1963-1987. Portraits include Private Medical Service House Staff, Ward Medical Service House Staff, Interns, Residents, and General Surgery Staff.

Barnes Hospital (Saint. Louis, Mo.)