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E.V. Cowdry Photographs, Negatives, and Lantern Slides Cowdry, Alice Image
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33 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Portrait of Alice Cowdry.
Portrait of Alice Cowdry.
The St. Louis Council on Human Relations being sworn in at Mayor Darst's office.
The St. Louis Council on Human Relations being sworn in at Mayor Darst's office.
Portrait of E.V. and Alice Cowdry at E.V. Cowdry's 69th birthday party.
Portrait of E.V. and Alice Cowdry at E.V. Cowdry's 69th birthday party.
Alice Cowdry conversing with Valentina Suntzeff at the Suntzeff's garden party.
Alice Cowdry conversing with Valentina Suntzeff at the Suntzeff's garden party.
Group portrait of Dr. Peng, Alice Cowdry, and an unidentified woman, Taipei, Taiwain.
Group portrait of Dr. Peng, Alice Cowdry, and an unidentified woman, Taipei, Taiwain.
Group portrait of Alice and E.V. Cowdry with an unidentified woman near the steps of a building.
Group portrait of Alice and E.V. Cowdry with an unidentified woman near the steps of a building.
Alice and E.V. Cowdry and an unidentified child on stone steps.
Alice and E.V. Cowdry and an unidentified child on stone steps.
Alice and E.V. Cowdry at dinner with colleagues, Osaka, Japan.
Alice and E.V. Cowdry at dinner with colleagues, Osaka, Japan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry seated with other men and women at a dinner, Tokyo, Japan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry seated with other men and women at a dinner, Tokyo, Japan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry seated with other men and women at a dinner, Tokyo, Japan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry seated with other men and women at a dinner, Tokyo, Japan.
Group portrait of Alice Cowdry and two unidentified women at a temple site, China.
Group portrait of Alice Cowdry and two unidentified women at a temple site, China.
Indian woman heaping Alice and E.V. Cowdry with bouquets and garlands, India.
Indian woman heaping Alice and E.V. Cowdry with bouquets and garlands, India.
Alice Cowdry looking at an album on a couch with unidentified friends, Taipei, Taiwan.
Alice Cowdry looking at an album on a couch with unidentified friends, Taipei, Taiwan.
Group portrait with Alice Cowdry and thirteen unidentified women, Taipei, Taiwan.
Group portrait with Alice Cowdry and thirteen unidentified women, Taipei, Taiwan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry cutting a cake at General Loo's house, Taipei, Taiwan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry cutting a cake at General Loo's house, Taipei, Taiwan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry arriving at the Taipei airport, Taiwan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry arriving at the Taipei airport, Taiwan.
Alice Cowdry, Eva Pearson, Mrs. J. Ernest Ayre, and Mrs. Sykes.
Alice Cowdry, Eva Pearson, Mrs. J. Ernest Ayre, and Mrs. Sykes.
Unidentified woman and Alice Cowdry looking at a display of silver artifacts.
Unidentified woman and Alice Cowdry looking at a display of silver artifacts.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry in a group of men and women at a function.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry in a group of men and women at a function.
Unidentified man speaking with Alice and E.V. Cowdry at a cocktail party.
Unidentified man speaking with Alice and E.V. Cowdry at a cocktail party.
Results 1 to 20 of 33