Portrait of Alice Cowdry picnicking in China with a hamper, thermos, and small dog.
Studio portrait of Alice Cowdry wearing a hat.
Portrait of Alice Cowdry in a white dress, standing on a patio in China.
Portrait of Alice Cowdry holding a letter at the foot of the front steps of a brownstone.
Studio portrait of Alice Cowdry by Metzene, Chicago.
Alice Cowdry holding an infant, possibly Alice Moira Cowdry, on a porch railing.
Alice Cowdry holding an infant, possibly Alice Moira Cowdry, in her lap.
Group portrait of E.V. Cowdry, Jr., Alice Cowdry, and E.V. Cowdry in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Portrait proof of Alice Cowdry seated in a wicker chair with her children.
Alice Cowdry riding in a rickshaw, China.
Group portrait of men and women on an outing, including E.V. and Alice Cowdry.
Group portrait of men and women on an outing, including Alice Cowdry.
Alice Cowdry standing on the Cowdry's back porch.
Alice Cowdry, Sarah Luse, and E.V. Cowdry.
Unidentified man speaking with Alice and E.V. Cowdry at a cocktail party.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry in a group of men and women at a function.
Unidentified woman and Alice Cowdry looking at a display of silver artifacts.
Alice Cowdry, Eva Pearson, Mrs. J. Ernest Ayre, and Mrs. Sykes.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry arriving at the Taipei airport, Taiwan.
E.V. and Alice Cowdry cutting a cake at General Loo's house, Taipei, Taiwan.