Aphrodite J. Hofsommer drawing of a man's head in profile, created for publication by Ellis Fischel.
- VC050-i050016
- Item
- 1930
Handwritten caption on the back of the drawing reads: "For Elis [sic] Fischel / cancer of the larynx." This drawing was published in Ellis Fischel, Unilateral block resection of the lymph nodes of the neck for carcinoma, American Journal of Surgery, October , 1935, page 27. Caption in paper begins: FIG. I. Position of head and neck, and skin skin incisions. A-B begins posterior to mastoid process, passes a finger-breadth beIow angle of jaw and is continued to beyond midline over body of hyoid bone. C-D is carried aImost vertically downward, curving at a convenient point outward across clavicle toward acromion process.
Folder includes a reprint of Fischel's article titled "Rational Therapy for Cancer of the Lower Lip." from the American Journal of Cancer, Vol. XV, No. 3, July, 1931.