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21st General Hospital Visual Collection
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Henry G. Schwartz Photographs

  • VC102
  • Collection
  • 1931-1985

This collection consists of 85 photographs documenting the personal and professional life of Henry G. Schwartz. Many of the images in the collection are digital surrogates of the the original photographs that primarily depict scenes with Schwartz and other men and women serving as United States Army officers in World War II. Additional digital images depict two young boys playing outside and posing on the steps of a house. The other photographs in the collection are primarily portraits of friends and colleagues of Schwartz, including Carl and Gerty Cori, Joseph Erlanger, Ernest Sachs, Sidney I. Schwab, and Evarts A. Graham. Those photographs (VC102069-084) are also arranged and described as Series 5 in the Henry G. Schwartz Papers (FC112).

Schwartz, Henry G.

Franklin E. Walton Photographs and Drawings

  • VC005
  • Collection
  • 1914-1977

This collection consists of 29 artifacts from the professional life of Franklin E. Walton (1902-1981), including photographs, a drawing, an academic diploma, an academic hood, and an intaglio print of Barnes Hospital by Gustav Goetsch (1907-1994). Primarily, the subjects depicted in the photographs include portraits of Walton and his colleagues at both Barnes Hospital and the 21st General Hospital, as well as several group portraits of the Wasington University School of Medicine (WUSM) class of 1927 at class reunions.

Walton, Franklin E., 1902-1981

General Hospital 21 Photographs and Drawings

  • VC013
  • Collection
  • 1942-1945

This collection consists of 724 photographs, drawings, diagrams, posters, newspaper clippings, and sheet music, and other ephemera related to the 21st General Hospital. The photographs primarily depict staff and patients of the 21st General Hospital from when it was stationed overseas 1942-1945, as well as views of hospital buildings and grounds. Drawings and diagrams include plans for wiring and plumbing, architectural and ground plans, and some schematic drawings of hospital equipment. Other ephemera in the collection include hand-drawn posters advertising Officers' Club dances, newspaper clippings from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Pictures Section depicting operations at General Hospital 21, and cartoon watercolors depicting soldiers and Red Cross workers.

21st General Hospital

Benjamin H. Charles Photographs and Drawings

  • VC003
  • Collection
  • 1943-1945

This collection consists of 137 photographs and drawings documenting the years Benjamin H. Charles spent serving as a major for the 21st General Hospital during World War II. The collection includes photographs of Charles, fellow hospital staff and other military personnel, and German prisoners of war (POWs) at various locations in France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, and Algeria. The collection also includes watercolors depicting Charles and various scenes from Bou Hanifia, Algeria by German POW Walter Köhnlein, as well as several promissory notes and a Taittinger champagne label.

Charles, Benjamin H.