Lange, Paul H. (Cordonnier visiting professor), 1995.
- RG015-S04-ss05-B10-F27
- Folder
- 1995
Part of Surgery Department Records
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Lange, Paul H. (Cordonnier visiting professor), 1995.
Part of Surgery Department Records
Part of Department of Genetics Records
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Caption accompanying the print reads: "A martyrology gave information about the saints for each day of the year. As the dates changed, so did the influences of the stars. Each astral body affected a particular part of the human body, as illustrated here. Thus a patient's horoscope was believed to explain his disease. This is the earliest printed picture of a 'zodiacal' and 'blood lettng' man; used with an accompanying chart, it showed the appropriate times and sites for venesection."
Reproduction of a portrait painting depicting Dr. Wilhelm von Hohenheim.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Caption on the slide reads: "Dr. Wilhelm von Hohenheim, father of Paracelsus. Painted in 1491, now in Museum Carolina-Augusteun - Salsburg."
Part of Medical History Illustrations
"Hospital Interior," French School.
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Johannes de Ketham, "Fasciculus medicinae."
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Caption accompanying the print reads: "The first woodcuts illustrating human anatomy appeared in the 1491 and later editions of this book. As the professor sits in an elevated chair, discoursing from a book but not from the cadaver, an ostensor at the far right directs a menial bending to his work. Some of the robed bystanders seem bored."
Magnus Hundt, "Antopologium," Cap. XXXI.
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Caption accompanying the print reads: "A crude woodcut in this rare volume portrays the special senses and nerves of vision (O), hearing (P), smell (Q), and taste (R), the structures from hair (A) to pia mater (G) that cover the brain, the ventricles (S, T, U, X) and other anatomical details. Hundt (1449-1519) was a professor in Leipzig."
Albertus Magnus, "Philosophia naturalis," Cap. XIII.
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Caption accompanying the print reads: "The author, who lived in the thirteenth century, has been discussing the soul. The circles represent the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles, or cavities, of the brain. To them medieval scholars assigned the attributes of common sense (I), imagination (II), and memory (III)."
"The Morbetto," Marcantonio Raimondi after Raffaello Sanzio.
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Reproduction of a copperplate engraving depicting Paracelsus.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Caption on the slide reads: "Paracelsus - 1522 or 1524. Painted in Venice - wrongly ascribed to Tintoretto."
Giacomo Berengario da Carpi, "Isagogae breves," folio 32, verso.
Part of Medical History Illustrations
Caption accompanying the print reads: "The aorta was believed to carry not blood but vital spirit throughout the body. The three cusps of the aortic valve were called ostiola. The recurrent laryngeal nerve, nervus revursus, on each side was thought to close the epiglottus by pulling downward. Perhaps this is why the nerve is here represented as cord-like."
Reproduction of a portrait painting depicting Paracelsus by Hans Holbein the Younger.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Reproduction of a letter written in Latin by Paracelsus.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Reproduction of a letter from Paracelsus to Bonifacius Amerbach.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Reproduction of a portrait painting depicting Paracelsus.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Caption on the slide reads: "Paracelsus - Original painted at Nurnberg 1529 or 30. Now in the Royal Gallery at Schleissheim near Munich."
Reproduction of the title page of Paracelsus, "Grosse Wundartzney."
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Reproduction of a copperplate engraving depicting Paracelsus.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs
Reproduction of a drawing depicting a profile portrait of Paracelsus.
Part of Paracelsus Book Lithographs