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Lorraine Lake Papers

  • FC151
  • Collection
  • 1954-1999

The collection contains Lorraine Lake’s MA thesis and PhD dissertation, correspondence from when she was faculty in the Program in Physical Therapy and associate director of the Irene Walter Johnson Institute of Rehabilitation, and a scrapbook and other materials related to the IWJ Institute of Rehabilitation.

Lake, Lorraine F.

Leo Loeb Papers

  • FC002
  • Collection
  • 1893-1959

The Leo Loeb papers consist of Dr. Loeb’s note books, lectures, research notes and manuscripts,  and scrapbooks. The series of personal correspondence is largely incoming and fragmentary with some letters filed in  Series 8: Bibliographical notes on the medical literature, manuscripts, research pathology data and occasional related correspondence, Undated & 1921-1958. The papers also include notes and drafts for two unpublished books. One is on mental processes and titled _Psychical Goods_or _The Imponderables. _The other unfinished book is on cancer.

Loeb, Leo, 1869-1959

William K. Hall Papers

  • FC107
  • Collection
  • 1973-1984

The collection consists of an unbound typescript manuscript, "History of dermatology in St. Louis, Missouri" (1973, 274 leaves) and a later bound version of the manuscript, "Dermatology and Dermatologists in St. Louis" ([1984], 372 leaves). The earlier version contains photographs, letters, clippings, and other documents. Both versions are indexed. Included are histories of the Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, the Barnes Hospital dermatology staff, and the St. Louis Dermatological Society, and biographical information about 19th and 20th century St. Louis dermatologists.

Hall, William K.

Lectures, 1886-1893.

Extended notes and memoranda of lectures, forty in number, delivered in the annual courses on hygiene and forensic medicine, 1886-1893, including official correspondence of the Faculty concerning appointment to and resignation from the Chair.

John B. Johnson Papers

  • FC036
  • Collection
  • 1842-1844

Contains two letters and a lecture ticket.

Johnson, John B., 1817-1903

William H. Olmsted Papers

  • FC026
  • Collection
  • 1917-1978

The William H. Olmsted papers include correspondence, manuscripts on diabetes, clippings, and reprints of articles. The materials mainly concern the period 1958-1977. Most of the correspondence is photocopied.

Olmsted, William H.

Lawrence W. O'Neal Papers

  • FC145
  • Collection
  • 1952-2002

Files pertaining to "Mission to Thailand," ("Our Heritage" series, St. Louis Metropolitan Medicine, 2002, July,:2001). They include 2002 letters from Ben Eiseman and Frank Vellios. The letters contain their reminiscences of Washington University program in Thailand in the early 1950s as part of the Medical Education Exchange Program. Documents from 1952 Dean's correspondence are a controversial "Coronet" magazine article on Eiseman, March 1952 and Robert A. Moore's report on medical education in Thailand.

O'Neal, Lawrence W.

Lee N. Robins Papers

  • FC142
  • Collection
  • 1958-2002

The Lee Robins Papers consist of twelve organizational series on Lee Robins' research and her family.  The research studies (Series 1) and Interview schedules (Series 2) are the most noteworthy materials and the bulk of the collection.   Also included are family and professional photographs (Series 5), a full set of journal articles (Series 3), and her correspondence (Series 6-8) and manuscripts (Series 4) from her retirement.  Noteworthy in the biographical series (Series 9-10) are the SCRD oral history interviews with Lee Robins (also online) and typed interviews for a biography of Eli Robins.

Robins, Lee N.

Robert E. Shank Papers

  • FC034
  • Collection
  • 1946-1980

The Robert E. Shank papers include correspondence, reports, documents, architectural plans, manuscripts, speeches, and conference proceedings. The files document his interests in nutrition, diet, rehabilitation, and hospital administration. Also notable among them are information on his direction of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and its programs. RES played a leading role in the construction of two Medical Center buildings, the Irene Walter Johnson Institute of Rehabilitation and the David P. Wohl, Jr. Memorial Clinics and in the development of the services housed there. RES’s papers also contain files on his work with the Office of the Surgeon General of the Army and government-sponsored nutrition programs in Latin America.

Shank, Robert E.

Wendell G. Scott Papers

  • FC015
  • Collection
  • 1935-1972

Correspondence, speeches, lectures, notebooks, certificates, reprints, clippings and photos relating to radiology, neoplasms, cholecystography, kymography, mammography and hospital administration. Includes material on various national and international organizations with which Dr. Scott was associated.

Scott, Wendell G., 1905-1972

Philip A. Shaffer Papers

  • FC005
  • Collection
  • 1910-1958

The Shaffer papers include ten document series including correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, short publications, notes, and his Ph.D. dissertation. Major subjects are his research work in biochemistry and the administration of WUSM as dean and head of the Department of Biological Chemistry. His work with Barnes Hospital, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, American Society of Biological Chemists and the U. S. Army in World War I are also subjects.

In 2006, this collection contained many deteriorated brittle carbon copies on newsprint and newspaper clippings that chipped or fractured with minimal handling. The acidic newsprint had stained surrounding documents and was losing contrast due to browning. Archives staff made acid-free photocopies to preserve content and contrast for future use and preservation microfilming.

Shaffer, Philip A.

Harvey R. Butcher Papers

  • FC058
  • Collection
  • 1949-1987

Butcher's files document his career and those of his colleagues such as Evarts A. Graham, Peter Heinbecker, Carl Moyer and Eugene M. Bricker. Included are correspondence and clippings about the Washington University School of Medicine, its Department of Surgery, and Barnes Hospital, as well as journal reprints and the texts of several lectures delivered by Butcher.

Butcher, Harvey R.

Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner Papers

  • FC023
  • Collection
  • 1909-1971

The collection includes correspondence, legal papers, newspaper clippings, and bound short scientific publications documenting Bronfenbrenner’s career. There is also a file of papers relating to the Bronfenbrenner Memorial Award, established after his death.

Bronfenbrenner, J.,

Andrew B. Barbee Papers

  • FC048
  • Collection
  • 1843-1879

Photocopies of memoir and letters of Barbee dating from the mid-1800s. Memoir includes descriptions of the cholera epidemics of 1849 and 1866.

Barbee, Andrew B.

George H. Bishop Papers

  • FC033
  • Collection
  • 1915-1978

Much of this collection was assembled by Louise H. Marshall, formerly of Washington University and later of the University of California, Los Angeles. Mrs. Marshall used materials related to Dr. Bishop that she had personally collected, as well as items supplied by her husband, Wade Marshall, and by Dr. Bishop’s brother, Frederick Bishop. All of these materials were placed together with items that had been kept in the Department of Neurology after Dr. Bishop’s death. Included in the collection are correspondence, manuscripts, notes, diagrams, and various ephemera. All photographs and many of the drawings in this collection were separated from the written documents and placed in a visual collection (VC034). The resulting arrangement reflects the mixed provenance and the many hands that have contributed to the collection. It is important to underscore that although Dr. Bishop himself never saw these collections as bibliographic entities, they were assembled in good faith that the effort would help to preserve the memory of this important scientist.

Bishop, George H.

C. Read Boles Papers

  • FC153
  • Collection
  • 1951

Files and personal correspondence pertaining to Mission to Thailand, June-August 1951.

Boles, C. Read

C, 1935-1936

Cadbury, Wm. W. Calender, G. R. Campbell, Edith C. Carnegie Institution of Washington Carter, W. S. Cattell, Ware. Chamber of Commerce, Chattanooga, Tenn. Chapman & Grimes Publishers Chidester, F. E. Choi, M. H. Clopton, Malvern B. Coker, R. E. Conklin, Edwin G. Cook, D. H. Cook, Melville T. Copher, Glover H. Corner, George W. Corning Glass Works Cort, W. W. Cory, H. S. Cosmos Club Cowdry, Aline Craigie, E. Horne Cramer, W. Crile, George Cunningham, R. S.

Alfred Goldman Papers

  • FC018
  • Collection
  • 1920-1971

The Alfred Goldman Papers contain publications, correspondence, manuscripts, lecture outlines, case studies, a notebook, a scrapbook of clippings and letters (microfilm only), a scrapbook of memorial letters, reports and photographs relating to AG’s career and research in diseases of the chest and effects of hyperventilation.

Among the reprints in the collection are pioneer works in hyperventilation, cytology of fluids, and arteriovenous fistula of the lung. Other series pertaining to AG’s published work are correspondence and reports, manuscripts, and scientific photographs. The correspondence in the scrapbooks attests to AG’s warm relationships with friends, colleagues, and patients.

Shortly after acquisition, the Goldman papers were arranged in 6 subgroups and 11 series, inventoried, and then microfilmed. The so-called subgroups constitute an arrangement by format. In the 1970s the Library regularly classed collections of faculty papers in the following pattern: 1, Publications; 2, Bound Papers; 3, Loose Papers; 4, Card files; 5, Photographs; and 6, Memorabilia. Card files happened not to be part of the Goldman papers, thus no subgroup 4 is present. Selected photographs and memorabilia are retained in the papers. All subgroups are now series and series are now subseries. (Other images, notably portraits and group portraits, are presently found in Library visual collections VC 410, 411, and 415.)

The arrangement by format also called for enumerating folders in a fashion that needs explanation –particularly if the microfilm is used. First, the four part folder code number on the right side of the folder tab represents following sequence: collection number/subgroup number/series number/folder number. Second, the folder numbers start over with each new subgroup rather than with each new box. Third, empty cross reference folders were made referring users to material elsewhere in the collection. Later, empty folders were removed creating the gaps in folder numbering.

Goldman, Alfred, 1895-1973

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