David Goldring Photographs and Certificates
- VC312
- Collection
- 1940-1991
This collection consists of 41 photographs and certificates from David Goldring, including items separated from the David Goldring Papers (FC106).
Goldring, David
David Goldring Photographs and Certificates
This collection consists of 41 photographs and certificates from David Goldring, including items separated from the David Goldring Papers (FC106).
Goldring, David
Justin J. Cordonnier Certificates and Plaques
This collection consists of 32 certificates and plaques from the professional life of Justin J. Cordionner, including diplomas, awards, membership certificates, and Board certifications.
Cordonnier, Justin J.
Thomas H. Burford Photographs, Drawings, Certificates, and Artifacts
This collection consists of 64 photographs, drawings, certificates, and artifacts from the medical and military career of Thomas H. Burford. Photographs include group portraits with friends and colleagues and portraits of Evarts A. Graham. Drawings are by F.C. Kelly and depict surgical proceedures. Certificates include diplomas, awards, military appointment and discharge certificates, proclamations, certificates of appreciation, and in memorium certificates. Artifacts include a key to the city of Vicennes, Indiana, foreign currency collected during Burford's overseas military service during World War II, and a Society of Thoracic Surgery felt badge.
Burford, Thomas H. (Thomas Hanahan), 1907-1977
E.V. Cowdry Certificates and Artifacts
This collection consists of 65 certificates and artifacts documenting the professional accomplishements of E.V. Cowdry, including award certificates, medals, and medallions, membership certificates, diplomas, membership certificates, certificates of appreciation, and plaques.
Cowdry, E. V. (Edmund Vincent)
William H. Olmsted Photographs, Certificates, and Plaques
This collection consists of 10 photographs, certificates, and plaques from the career of William H. Olmsted. The photographs are portraits of Olmsted, including a group portrait with other Barnes Hospital physicians. Certificates and plaques include awards and commemorations.
Olmsted, William H.
Carl V. Moore Certificates and Artifacts
This collection consists of 79 certificates and artifacts from the career of Carl V. Moore. Certificates include diplomas, awards, and Board certifications. Artifacts are various pieces of medical testing equipment including hemoglobinometers, colorimeters, bacteria counting chambers, and hemocytometers. Also included in the collection is an academic hood worn by Moore.
Moore, Carl V.
This collection consists of 54 certificates and 2 academic hoods awarded to Wendell G. Scott throughout his career, including diplomas, awards, membership certificates, and certificates related to Scott's military service.
Scott, Wendell G., 1905-1972
This collection consists of 4 photographs and artifacts from a St. Louis Medical Society meeting on January 5, 1971, during which Willard M. Allen was awarded the St. Louis Medical Society Award of Merit.
Allen, Willard M.
Vilray P. Blair Certificates and Artifacts
This collection consists of 20 certificates and artifacts from Vilray P. Blair. Certificates include diplomas, membership certificates, Board certifications, and Army appointments. The collection also includes two plaster casts: a cast of Blair's face and a cast of his right hand.
Blair, Vilray Papin, 1871-1955
Gerty T. Cori Certificates and Artifacts
This collection consists of 33 certificates and artifacts documenting the career of Gerty T. Cori. The collection includes the 1947 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine awarded to Gerty Cori and an official reproduction of the Nobel Prize medallion (VC153033).
Cori, Gerty T.
Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner Medallions
This collection consists of 7 medallions once belonging to Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner. The medallions include awards, commemorative plaques for Louis Pasteur and Simon Flexner, and medallions commemorating the first and third International Congress for Microbiology.
Bronfenbrenner, J.,
Carl F. and Gerty T. Cori Photographs, Certificates, and Artifacts Collection
This collection consists of 20 photographs, 2 buttons, and 3 proclamations highlighting the scientific achievements of Carl F. and Gerty T. Cori. The photographs primarily depict the Coris in laboratory settings or receiving honors and awards. The buttons were created to commemorate Gerty T. Cori's life and scientific achievements, and the proclamations are from the City of Glendale, MO; the City of St. Louis, MO; and the State of Missouri marking October 23rd as Gerty and Carl Cori day.
Cori, Carl F.
Evarts A. Graham Photographs and Drawings
This collection consists of 43 photographs of Evarts A. Graham and his colleagues, and 1 drawing. Depicted subjects include inscribed studio portraits of Graham's former students and colleagues, studio portraits of Graham, views of Graham performing an operation, group portraits of the American Board of Surgery, and views of Graham receiving the Lister Medal. Also included in the collection are several exterior views of Graham's St. Louis home, taken in 1995. The drawing depicts three mice smoking and was drawn by Ernst Wynder, Graham's student and coauthor on a study linking smoking with lung cancer.
Graham, Evarts A. (Evarts Ambrose), 1883-1957
This collection consists of 8 photographs primarily depicting scenes from the professonal career of Carl V. Moore. Photographs include signed portraits of Leo Loeb and Carl T. and Gerty F. Cori, as well as photographs of Moore receiving an award, at a Medical Alumni Association dinner with colleagues, and at work in the laboratory.
Moore, Carl V.